Friday, April 29, 2011

Angels say "halo" to everyone

A gathering of Angels can enlighten the whole unkown

The word "Angel" means messenger in Hebrew and Greek.  I was surprised at the number of 'angels' that live in our home.  I found them out in the open in places that I must pass by several times a day,  and in "tucked-away" places that surprised even me!  With the help of the "Google-Angels" I have borrowed some of the quotes I found on the internet.  There were so many to choose from, and I found these to be more 'spot-on'.    My haphazard gathering of angels began with the "Gardening Angel" that I found at a garden center, and it has grown into a "Willow Tree" collection of angels.                                                                     

 Theses angels have no visible faces, but their messages are evident in their poses. 

"A Pillow for thee I will bring, stuffed with down of Angel's Wings."

 A crocheted Angel dish-cloth, made by yours truly, and two lacey Christmas tree ornaments.  A country Angel Tree topper and a calico tree ornament. 

Like snowflakes no two angels are alike......unknown
An Angel is a gift of hope.......anonymous

 Angles know how to light the way.  The terracotta and ceramic angels are candle holders. 

 This helpful angel is actually is my vacuum cleaner in disguise.

 The Easter Bunny Angels, and the handmade (by my daughter-in-law) Nativity Angel.

The Verdigre angel lives in the Rose Garden (she winters indoors!)

 Angels of a Feather Flock Together........unknown (and live in their little house)
Then there is the MOST angelic angel of all, the "Petey Angel" who is less than happy to be wearing his "WINGS".

He exhibits his displeasure by sulking away.  How PAWisitively mortifying!!!          Once again, Thank you for visiting "This and That".......and a little bit of Celestial whimsy.   

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Into Action

 Each Spring we need to replace and replenish all the trees and shrubs lost to the harsh winter weather.  Our landscaper Nick Belgrado meets with us to evaluate the damages and come up with a plan for the Spring plantings.  I am a firm believer in  re-forestation.  Take one out.....put one (or more) in. 

After we consult with Nick and agree on a plan and plantings the next most important step is contacting the utilities to have the grounds marked so that no vital line is damaged during digging.  That done, and flags in place the work begins

 Caliper Farms a local nursery that supplies ALL our landscaping needs. The first 20 cu yds of mulch are delivered.

 Nick and Herman digging out the new beds.

 The boxwood shrubs are placed and planted, and complement the ones on the opposite side of the brick pathway.

The new Rock garden with its decorative grasses is taking shape, and will eventually mirror the existing one.


The older flower beds which contain hydrangea, spirea, holly, day lilies and beautiful mossy rocks are cleaned and mulched and waiting for the sun......
 and works begins on the NEW flower beds along the side and back of the backyard.  While the 6 foot fence has so far deterred the deer, it needs some 'softening up'. 

 There are a mixture of plantings in the new beds.  We have hydrangea, butterfly bushes and ornamental grasses.  Nick has to choose the plants carefully since that corner of the back yard has poor drainage, and tends to 'pond'.  Problem solved with the placement of a 'dry creek bed'.  These Boxwoods are a few years old, and were planted to balance and add some privacy  to the area surrounding the pool
 This VERY OLD Sugar Maple loses big branches each winter.  Here Nick and Herman remove large limbs that are not healthy, and may come crashing down.
 The loss of these branches and two 35 year old White Pine trees has removed our natural privacy barrier.  The solution is to plant six 6 foot pines that will eventually grow a couple of feet taller and will fill in the space.

The month long project comes to a close and the gardens and grounds are picture perfect.  

Thank you for visiting "This and That" and a little bit of giving back to the earth what the elements took away.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fun at the Fair

While I have attended many Vendor Fairs I had never participated in one until this past weekend when our church, St. John's  Episcopal Church, Somerville N.J. hosted one. I represented my daughter's designer line of SeaCharms, sea glass jewelry.

 Since this was the first hands-on showing of the craft, I had to start from the beginning by designing and constructing the table advertisement and display board.  I began with bi-fold foam board, covering it with grass cloth, using my glue gun, yardstick, and exacto-knife.  The seashore inspired plates were used to hold the many different SeaCharms.
 Labels in place, all charms separated by price and design in  plastic bags, I was ready for the big day.
The table was large, and I was able to display all the SeaCharms.  Some were displayed on plates, and others on the board.  (Click on picture to enlarge).                                                        

 My next-door neighbor, had a much large display.  She has been crafting and showing for many years.  This is more than a hobby for her. 
Dolls from a private collection were offered for sale, and were quite reasonably priced.  My sister and grand daughter purchased a few of the dolls.
This three piece set consisting of Victoria Dolls with long 'banana curls', sitting on stools around a wooden tabel set with a China Tea Service was (all inclusive) on sale for only $40.00. 

 Handmade pillows
Jams and Jellies, Teas and Sauces

Wine bottles and acrylic 'gift' boxes filled with tiny lights lit up one table attracted the curious shopper.

One size fits all (and it DOES) tank top and cardigans was a hit with shoppers and other vendors as well. 

Of course, NO event is complete without the requisite 'food court' and Bake Sale table. The proceeds of which are donated to the church.

It was a thrill to present SeaCharms to the general public for the first time, and an experience in "vendoring:" to be sure.  While sales were weak, and shopper turn-out disappointing, the experience,  lessons learned and friendships formed were worth the long hours and hard work. 

Thank you for visiting "This and That" ....and a little bit of the Vendor Fair