Wednesday, March 28, 2012

SHIP's Galley at St. John's

The Galley serves an average of 70 meals a day each Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each month, and also the 2nd Tuesday at St. John's.  In 2011 approximately 15,000 meals were prepared and served by the various volunteers from faith-based organizations and other groups from the Somerville area.  Since its inception, SHIP has provided over two million meals to those in need.

St. John's assignment for SHIP's Galley is the 2nd Wednesday of each month.  Food is deliciously prepared and there is enough of a variety that some choice is available.  My particular assignment was a gallon of soup.  This month I made a family favorite:  "Clam Soup".
  Once all the ingredients were assembled (I will spare you the step-by-step process) the final......

delicious result is ready for delivery to the "galley".  Transporting soup is always a challenge, but the two containers made the trip without incident!!!

 Carl Spolarich "Chief Cook" at the stove keeping an eye on the pasta, meatballs, soups and veggies.

Michael Brown, Galley Director
 Dot Spolarich and Jerry are ready to don the sanitary gloves and get to work!
             Three generations of "Spolarich" women,  Maddie, Dot, and Ann are setting out the best part of any meal.......DESSERT!

 The serving table is being readied for the many and varied foods the clients may choose from.  The 'dining tables' are also set up and will seat 30-40 clients today.



                   A well-balanced tray with a little bit of just a few of the available choices this Wednesday.  This is a small but welcome pleasure for folks who have not had many choices available to them.  Here, they receive not only nourishment for their bodies, but also an a hour of fellowship and rest in a safe place.

The support of those who prepare, provide the food and those who help serve is truly a generous outreach on behalf of the parishioners of St. John's. 

Thank you for visiting "This and That" and.....a "LOT of bit" of giving of time, talent and pleasure to those less fortunate facing hard times.

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