Sunday, October 30, 2011

What a difference a day makes!

I was busy capturing the reds, yellows, and oranges of the changing of the leaves.  We have some beautiful oaks and maples right in our neighborhood. What began as a simple "Intro to Autumn" pictorial essay ..........

........evolved into an "Intro to WINTER" essay.  These photos were taken Friday morning, and the following were taken barely 24 hours later during the storm, (hence "What A Difference A Day Makes"  )         

Eddie hauling away one of the MANY limbs we lost the to weight of the snow, from the Dogwood alone.
The weight of the heavy wet snow takes its toll on the old Scotch Pine trees.

After 10 hours of a constant wet heavy snow fall, the morning sun softens the effects, if only visually, of the pre-pre-winter Halloween Snow Storm!!!

recognize this tree?  Yes, the same one that started this blog!  It happens to be the most beautiful tree in the neighborhood, and it lives on Elaine's and Ed's front lawn.

 This brings to mind another winter-seasonal song....."I'm Dreaming Of A White H A L L O W E E N ?!?!?"
What would Bing Crosby say????  I say......:Can you say "BETTER IN THE BAHAMAS?????"

Thank you for visiting "This and That" and a little bit of "Winter 101.....a primer"
Please come again and in the meantime - stay warm!

Linda P.

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