Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Challenging Assumptions

Although April showers bring May flowers, the "May flowers" don't last forever.  I like to prolong  the flowering season by bringing silk flowers into our home.  I was amazed by the close resemblance of silk-to-real.  Can you tell the difference?

 Peonias and Tulips
 Minature Roses
                           Bright Yellow Daisies and Multi-colored  Hydrangeas                                                    


 Silk/Artificial  flowers?  As Flip Wilson said:  "A lie is as good as the truth if they believe you" !  

Thank you for visiting "This and That" .....and a "little bit" of artful deception!

Linda P

Thursday, June 16, 2011

May Flowers

April showers bring May flowers, and our garden is an example of that.  The six foot fence has denied and deprived the deer families from feasting in our 'diner', and  has given us the pleasure of enjoying the beauty of nature.  I hope you enjoy our garden as much as we do. Some if the plantings are 35 years old, and some are 35 days old. 
 The Weeping Cherry, Red Maple and Pink Dogwood all blossom at the same time each with its own special shade of pink and red.

 The purple Azaleas complement the pinkish Rhododendren on the opposite side of the front porch

 Mountain Laurel and Viburnum

 A miniature Rose bush thrives among the rocks.

         Deep Purple Clematis vine that softens the stark white of the fence, and the Bumble Bee soaking up the nectar of the Cat Mint

 Bright yellow Day Lilies border the multi-colored Hydrangeas
 One of the giant Hosta plants that have begun to bloom.

 Just planted this spring, the Hydrangeas are growing beautifully under the watchful eyes of the geese.

 I asked the gardener for "color", and he did the rest. 
 The yellow "Magnolia x Butterflies" a very rare Magnolia that stands out among all the dark green foliage of the Boxwood and Barberry, and the more commonly seen Pink/Red Magnolia. 
The bright orange of some Azalea/Rhododendren hybrid. 
The crowning jewel of the front yard, the 35 year old Weeping Spruce that has grown to over 40 feet tall and rests on this massive trunk that grows at a right angle to the ground. 

E.E. Cummings said: "The Earth laughs in flowers".  Thank you for visiting "This and That" and a 'little bit of colorful laughter.  Please come again!

Linda P.